The purpose of this course is for administrators to examine the professionalism and the mastery skill set that the students have gained over the past 10 courses. By creating an online thesis presentation, students were able to showcase their growth and skills by explaining how they accomplished goals that are required by the program. The degree learning outcomes as followed had to be understood and explained by students to prove themselves worthy of being Masters.

Degree Learning Outcomes
1. Connecting, Synthesizing and Transforming
2. Solving Problems
3. Innovative Thinking
4. Acquiring Competencies
Creating a strong testimonial ad required an extensive amount of research. The nonprofit organization, Action Against Hunger, needed a specific target group or audience to be able to promote their business. A persona was used to determine more specifically, who, each ad be directed toward. Sketch ups or comps were then created to help provide visuals for the best headlines that would help the provide a direction for the ads. After the project was complete, a questionnaire was given to determine the effectiveness of the ads from the audience's perspective. By connecting the research and development, the testimonials were synthesized and then transformed from thoughts and ideas to advertisements that influenced it's audience to become involved.
As a designer, the goal is to identify the problem, research, and find creative solutions that create better outcomes. Rainy Day Toys needed a branding image that a could help them to gain a more favorable outcomes beyond their competitors. The mission was to have a brand with character, that connected to the target audience, and pulverize the competition. In order to solve this problem for Rainy Day Toys, a branding presentation was created along with a new logo, that advertised the company's attributes and values. The wooden toy company's brand was inspiration to a brand new logo that required critical design thinking and problem solving skills to determine the best possible solution for the company. The presentation for Rainy Day Toy became an easily distinguished brand that created a timeless sensation for the end users and the target audience.
Innovation is what happens when individuals decide that they’re not going to be defined by the rules. They seek a completely different approach and in the end, they are able to develop a more creative idea. Innovative thinking requires a deeper understanding, which then allow the individuals to create their best work that doesn’t appear to be repetitive and uninspired. Seaside Stories was the chosen name because the event would focus on creating a peaceful and relaxing experience. In order to make this event innovative, a more organic approach was considered. 

Typically, images are known to be confined within boxes and rectangles. While other students stuck with the standard wireframes of squares and rectangles, Seaside Stories used organic shapes to pull more from the experience of the event. By deciding to make the entire project about the energy of nature, the audience could easily make several connections from the stars, to the ocean's life, and even the night sky. This small piece of innovative thinking created major success within the projects atmosphere. 
Media designers are constantly growing and gaining new skills and techniques as they journey through life as a designer. Acquiring competencies is a stage in a designer’s career that introduce new found skills and concepts to their old abilities. Newly acquired skills add to the designer’s asset and make them more valuable, indispensable, and competitive as a professional. This experience has taught several students how to acquire competencies.

A valuable skill for a designer to have is creating animated and moving graphics and videos. With several tools provided throughout the Full Sail database and, creating motion graphics and short videos was now a newly acquired skill that elevated designers. By watching a reviewing tutorials, the process took time because the Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects application required time to become more familiar. The steps required the gathering of materials, such as, images, sound clips, and video clips. Designing visual graphics became a lot more useful than static graphics because it presented more information to the audience in one setting. After several attempts to perfect the newly acquired skill of motion graphics, skills became even more technical and advance. The original motion graphics received a revisit and improved touch-ups to stretch the imagination with more entertaining designs.

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